I’m a recent graduate of General Assembly’s UX Design Immersive program and previously am a graduate of the University of Oregon with a Bachelors of Science in Economics.
I have a varied background and numerous interests. I’ve worked in the restaurant business, in social media marketing for a small record label, in recording studios as a studio assistant, as a music composer, producer, and performer, and finally as an English language teacher abroad.
You might ask - what’s all of this getting at?
For a long time, I struggled to unify these interests. I have an honest affinity for artistic expression but I value practicality. I enjoy the abstract but am mindful of the objective experience of any given thing. I enjoy working with people but I want to impact as many as possible. It wasn’t until my discovery of UX Design that I could unify all of these interests in any one pursuit.
As a UX Designer, I focus on people's everyday thinking, emotions, and behavior to make human-centered designs that can improve the daily lives of people and can aid them in leveraging the tools available to them.
Through my experiences, I’ve seen the power of coherent UX. I’ve seen artists fettered by unnecessarily complicated Digital Audio Workstations and I’ve seen how poor lesson structuring can frustrate and confuse students who would otherwise find English to be fun, approachable, and digestible. If a person cannot properly leverage the tools that we make for them, can these things really be referred to as tools?
...and more!
Favorite Book / The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Favorite Movie / The Godfather - Francis Ford Coppola
Favorite Album / Songs from the Big Chair - Tears for Fears
Favorite Classical Piece / Sonatine - Maurice Ravel
Favorite Sport / Soccer
Favorite Website(s) / Twitter / YouTube
Current Interest / KPOP
Another Current Interest / Visual Design Trends
Currently Reading / Light in August - William Faulkner